Preventive Care Cardiac Rehab Continuing Ed

Searching for cardiology continuing education courses? Look no further!

CEU360 offers a wide selection of cardiac continuing education courses for health care professionals.

Cardiovascular Continuing Education for American Heart MonthCardiac rehabilitation (cardiac rehab) is a professionally supervised program to help improve the health and wellbeing of patients who have a history of heart problems. Cardiac rehab programs usually provide exercise training, education, and counseling services to help heart patients increase physical fitness, reduce cardiac symptoms, improve health and reduce the risk of future heart problems.

Who needs cardiac rehabilitation?

Cardiac rehab is beneficial for patients of all ages with a history of:

  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Arrhythmia
  • Angina
  • Heart failure or heart attack
  • History of heart surgery – coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), including coronary angioplasty (balloon angioplasty) and stenting,valve replacement, pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperlipidemia/ hypercholesterolemia
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Thrombosis
  • Obesity

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Team

Cardiac rehab involves a long-term commitment from both the patient and the health care team. The cardiac rehab team may include doctors (cardiologist or surgeon), nurses, exercise specialists, physical and occupational therapists, dietitians or nutritionists, and psychologists or other mental health specialists.

Cardiac Therapists

Physical and occupational therapists (and assistants) often work with patients with a history of heart disease outside of cardiac rehab. Therefore, it is critical for the therapist to be familiar with treatment of the cardiac patient regardless of his/her clinical specialty – geriatrics, pediatrics, orthopedics, etc. The therapist must be able to select an appropriate level of activity for any individual with a history of cardiac disease.

Cardiac Continuing Education:
CEU360 offers a vast selection of continuing education courses for health care professionals. With over 850 hours of elite CEUs including cardiology continuing education courses and compliance training courses, your therapy team can have access to the most diversified, evidence-based CE library on the market. Learn more about utilizing CEU360's learning tools for your team.


Cardiac Continuing Education Courses

Cardiology Continuing Education Offerings

CEU360 offers cardiac continuing education courses for health care teams. If your organization provides therapy services, CEU360 is the perfect resource for your health professionals.

CEU360's Elite CEUs: Cardiac Continuing Education

Cardiopulmonary Considerations for the Geriatric Patient

Contact Hours: 5*

Cardiopulmonary Considerations for the Geriatric PatientThe cardiopulmonary comorbidities that are present in the geriatric population greatly impact how health care professionals should treat patients. In order to have an in-depth understanding of geriatric cardiopulmonary pathologies, the health care professional must also have an understanding of the cardiopulmonary anatomy, the normal aging process, and how to differentiate normal aging from pathology.

This course reviews all of these areas and discusses the most common cardiopulmonary pathologies seen in the geriatric population. The proper techniques to monitor vital signs, the use of functional assessments and the most effective documentation techniques are all explored. In addition, cardiopulmonary medications are reviewed so that the rehab professional can gain an understanding of the specific classes of drugs used for the pathologies discussed, their side effects and potential impact on rehab.

Clinical Exercise Physiology

Contact Hours: 3*

Clinical Exercise PhysiologyIn this course, Dr.Karen Holtgrefe presents the principles of exercise physiology. Rehab Therapists are led on an exploration of exercise testing and prescription for cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal and endocrine fitness, including consultation for health and wellness amongst diverse populations most commonly seen by rehab therapists. Normal and abnormal physiological responses to exercise are examined, and adaptations to exercise plans discussed. In addition, therapists will identify at risk populations and barriers to health, wellness, and exercise.

Clinical Pharmacology: Cardiovascular, Pain Management and Endocrine Pharmacology

Contact Hours: 5*
Clinical Pharmacology: Cardiovascular, Pain Management and Endocrine PharmacologyThis course presents a comprehensive discussion on the mechanism of action, interferences of functional outcomes for patients on cardiovascular and pain medications, skeletal muscle relaxants, and endocrine-related pharmaceuticals. Dr.Tinsley begins the course with an exploration cardiovascular medications and common cardiac diseases before moving on to pain management and the most common pharmaceuticals used to treat pain, including opioid analgesics and receptors and their potential effects. She concludes with a discussion of non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs, endocrine pharmacology and diabetic drugs.

Rehabilitation for the Cardiac Impaired with an Adjunctive Look at the Vascular System

Contact Hours: 4*

Rehabilitation for the Cardiac Impaired with an Adjunctive Look at the Vascular SystemThis 2-part course presents a comprehensive discussion of assessments and interventions of the vascular system and vascular and cardiac disorders, to arm the rehab professional with reliable tests and treatment for their patients. Dr. Holtgrefe explores the components of the vascular system and provides several commonly used tests to assess it. Professionals will learn to differentiate between several disorders and be provided with some commonly used treatment interventions and examine post-incident treatment for Deep Vein Thrombosis.

In addition, this course reviews the primary and secondary medical considerations associated with cardiovascular disorders and take the learner through the stages of recovery.  Special consideration will be paid to the adverse reactions to physical therapy, pharmacotherapeutic strategies and understanding of lab values.

Understanding Congestive Heart Failure: Pathology, Treatment and Management

Contact Hours: 3*

Understanding Congestive Heart Failure: Pathology, Treatment and ManagementIn the geriatric population, congestive heart failure (CHF) is a very prevalent disease. The focus on CHF is in healthcare has increased exponentially recently due to the rate of frequent re-hospitalizations in this population. In order to reduce the re-hospitalizations that are occurring in this population, all health care providers must take an active role. This role includes understanding how to manage the disease in acute phases, in chronic phases, and how to educate patients so that they can have a more active role in their disease management.

This course discusses at an in-depth level the pathology of CHF including the various types. This understanding of the pathology is essential so that all health care providers can provide the most thorough and comprehensive treatment. The course discusses all aspects of disease management including medications, lifestyle modifications, exercise and daily monitoring. In addition, this course reviews normal cardiovascular and pulmonary anatomy and physiology and the monitoring of these two systems.

Cardiac Continuing Education:
CEU360 offers a vast selection of continuing education courses for health care professionals. With over 850 hours of elite CEUs including cardiology continuing education courses and compliance training courses, your therapy team can have access to the most diversified, evidence-based CE library on the market. Learn more about utilizing CEU360's learning tools for your team.


Elite CEUs for Health Care Organizations

Attention Therapy Employers: You Need High-Quality CEUs for Your Team!

CEU360 offers an online solution that can drastically minimize expenses for your therapy organization. How? CEU360 provides a large offering of elite continuing education courses and compliance training content that is geared towards therapy providers. Additionally, we can create custom orientation and education courses for your facility. By utilizing our comprehensive learning solution, you can consolidate your education, compliance and training needs into one system – cutting your expenses and increasing your profits.

Why Your Organization Needs CEU360:

PT and OT Courses Save time and money.

PT and OT Courses Get a customizable program to seamlessly integrate with your organization's look and feel.

PT and OT Courses Utilize state-of-the-art learning technology and learning principle best practices to facilitate a rich and engaging education experience.

PT and OT Courses Possess an online regulatory compliance training solution for all of your employees… anytime, anywhere.

PT and OT Courses Ensure your continuing education offerings are accredited through the appropriate regulating bodies and teach evidenced-based care standards.

PT and OT Courses Track staff learning with specialized reports and statistics.

Cardiac Continuing Education:
CEU360 offers a vast selection of continuing education courses for health care professionals. With over 850 hours of elite CEUs including cardiology continuing education courses and compliance training courses, your therapy team can have access to the most diversified, evidence-based CE library on the market. Learn more about utilizing CEU360's learning tools for your team.



[1] American Heart Association

[2] National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute


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